Benefits of Turmeric In Memory boosters

Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) is one of the many plants have medicinal benefits, such as spices (especially curry), food coloring, beverages, textiles and cosmetics. These plants have been known for a long time in Indonesia and its use quite a lot in everyday life. Given the current pattern of symptoms tend to be modern with all instant, making the disease from progressing in the community are also diverse. In the last ten years, many diseases are sticking in the community including aids, cancer, and even bird flu symptoms of early senility. This condition makes people start to think to look for alternative treatments in addition to modern conventional medicine. One of the potential medicinal plants as a substitute for chemical treatment that can slow the arrival of senile diseases is turmeric. The use of this plant is usually in the form of powder or turmeric powder is formulated into the seasoning.

Turmeric rhizome as an extremely useful antikoagul, lowering blood pressure, de-worming, Abat asthma, blood booster, upset stomach, diarrhea, appendicitis, and arthritis. In addition to efficacy in the treatment, rhizome of turmeric is also widely used for coloring materials, mixed materials, cosmetic, bactericide, fungicide, and stimulants.

Turmeric to prevent Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease is a type of senile diseases common to humans who began entering old age (the elderly). Naturally, dementia is common to every man because the physical condition of the brain decreases. But the arrival of senile too can be Slowed by use of turmeric in curry spice. Turmeric as an ingredient of curry spice widely used in many recipes can be felt to maintain the quality of brain aging. One evidence is the elderly who are in Asian countries still have a good memory in old age because they are diligent eating curry spices.

Results of research Dr. Tze-Pin Ng from National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1010 elderly aged 60 to 93 in 2003, showed that seniors who diligently consume curry spice has a better memory than those who rarely or never at all. This may make us curious to know. Apparently the secret lies in the yellow dyes (kurkumin) contained in the rhizome of turmeric is used in making the curry spices. Kurkumin in turmeric has a very important function in Treating various types of diseases because these compounds can act as anti-tumor promoter, antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-virus. In addition to the turmeric kurkumin it also plays a role in improving the immune system.

Turmeric powder which will be made curry spice concoction materials can be made from the tubers of dried saffron. In terms of simplicity, tubers that have been sliced and dried, it's easier to be milled flour. In consumer countries like the United States and England, turmeric powder is used directly as a spice in food coloring, and manufacturing raw materials oleoresin. In India, turmeric powder is one of the basic material for the manufacture of curry spices (curry powder) which is a homogeneous mixture of different types of turmeric powder.

With curry spices consumed regularly, can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease can cause total senile because the physical condition of the brain that continues to decline. But make no mistake, the excessive use of any of the elderly could bring undesirable effects of abdominal pain, liver disorders or kidney.Dari the conclusions the researchers reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology Edition 1 November 2006, declared that curry spice is potentially preventing Alzheimer's because the views of its efficacy and not poisonous. The results of this study is the first evidence showing the relationship between curry consumption with brain cognitive abilities.

The figure of plants

Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Vahl.) Is a native medicinal plants of Southeast Asia and has developed extensively in South Asia, South China, Taiwan, the Philippines and grow well in Indonesia. Plants grow up as tall as 1.0 to 1.5 m. Having ridden pseudo stem by stem, leaf midrib. Leaves of plants with sharp and slippery length of approximately 30 cm and 8 cm wide. Flowers emerge from a long rod with a quasi-about 10 to 15 cm. Flower color is white or green and white stripes sometimes tipped pink flowers. The main part of the plant is located rhizome in the ground. It usually grows creeping rhizome and rhizome usually shaped stem of the Ellipse.

Environment grows

Turmeric can grow well in height 0 to 1200 m above sea level. Adaptation of the plants very well in the heat to moderate climate with high humidity. Land suitable for growing saffron is a fertile soil, soil, humus and contains many good drainase. To obtain optimal growth, turmeric should get wet months of about 4 to 6 months before the death of leaves. For the formation of rhizome essential that sufficient sunlight.

Turmeric rhizome phytochemicals

The main chemical compounds contained in the rhizome of turmeric is the essential oil and kurkuminoid. Essential oils contain compounds seskuiterpen alcohol, and the tour-meron zingiberen, while kurkuminoid containing compounds and their derivatives kurkumin (yellow) that includes desmetoksi, kurkumin and-bidesmetoksikurku min. Also rhizome also contains compounds gom, fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron.


Cultivation is easy turmeric. Rhizome plants should be used as seed that has been around the age of 10 months and weighs 20 to 30 g. Seeds should be planted which have the shoot as long as 2 to 3 cm. Prior to planting, the soil treated first with how to fork and digging in places that will be planted. Tilling should be done at the beginning of the rainy season. Manure can be given as much as 0.5 kg / planting hole and the optimal spacing is 50 cm x 50 cm and planting seeds with depth should be 7.5 cm - 10 cm, with bud eyes facing up. Each planting hole should be at the contents with one seed and the seed is inserted, the planting hole covered with soil again. To get the growth and production of the op-rhizome optimal, preferably at the fertilizer plant with artificial fertilizers are SP36 and KCL at the beginning of each planting as much as 200 kg / ha and 200 kg urea / ha was given as three times that 1 / 3 dose at age 1 month, 2 months and 3 months fiter planting. In addition efforts are also important plant maintenance, which can be done by way of weeding out the Weeds every two months and adjusted once.


Harvested turmeric is usually at the age of about 9 to 10 months. Way that is easy to harvest enough to dig a fork rhizome. Try to not break rhizome left behind when excavated so that the weight gained higher. After the fork, the soil around the rhizome to be cleaned and rim-stage collected in sacks. Usually yields can reach 20 to 30 tonnes / ha of fresh rhizome


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